With all the rain my very promising spinach seems to have curled up and died. It also impacted my radishes last week, causing some to develop rotting spots and the leaves to yellow. I had lots, so I was able to sort through them and find enough nice ones for market. My arugula was very waterlogged and I only managed to get one picking out of it on Tuesday, even though I intended to pick more on Thursday.
However this week my radishes are beautiful. In my opinion,the arugula is the perfect size.The lettuce is still going strong. And I have a beautiful patch of both baby kale and baby chard. My summer squash is doing well, and I am hoping to keep up the daily pickings so I can offer quarts of 4-8 inch squash for the CSA and market. Plus I am pretty happy that with all my experimenting this spring I have finally figured out how to grow rapini. While it's not a wildly popular crop, its fast growth will help me as I transition the farm to organic since it can outgrow the weeds with it's short growing cycle.
July and August have always been a stressful time on the farm with so much growing, harvesting and planting going on. But since I am working on elongating the growing season, I am able to stay calm and more happily accept my limitations in this busy time of year.
