September in the garden is always a great time for me. We are past the heat of the summer and into the shorter days of the fall. The crops love this time of year and it the most bountiful time in the garden. Now combines the crops that require long days to be harvested and the cool weather crops begin to thrive again. It is also the beginning of fall clean up in the garden. Instead of prepping beds to be planted, as I clean up the garden I am instead readying them for planting cover crops to hold over winter.
Now is also the perfect time to plant perennials! Since my tiny house has been completed, I have been dreaming of putting in some flower beds around it. I have been caring for a large selection of perennials all summer and when I have the time, I will begin to plant them around my house and have a head start for next year.
It is also a time for new beginnings. Just like going back to school, I often start another job in the fall. This year I have finally pursued a longtime goal of mine and will be a piano teacher at Van Goozen Music in Sarnia! I have worried so much about whether I would make a good teacher, but the support and encouragement I have gotten so far has made me wonder why I have waited so long. This is an exciting step forward for me and I think a great job to have alongside farming!
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